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AGOA FORUM TOGO 2017 mobile tablette


African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum

AGOA legislation was first enacted in October 2000 and has been a key element of U.S. economic policy in, and engagement with, sub-Saharan Africa. The legislation significantly enhanced market access to the United States for qualifying Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries.

Countries eligible to benefit from the AGOA trade preference must have established or make continual progress toward establishing, inter alia, a market-based economy, the rule of law, economic policies that reduce poverty, a system to combat corruption, protection of internationally recognized worker rights, and the elimination of barriers to United States trade and investment. . AGOA countries must also not engage in gross violations of internationally recognized human rights.

In June 2015, AGOA was extended for an additional ten years under the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 (TPEA). Read more

Le premier ministre Komi Selom Klassou a assisté à la cérémonie d’ouverture du forum 2017 de la Loi sur la Croissance et les Possibilités Economiques en Afrique (AGOA) qui s’est tenue au Radisson Blue hôtel de Lomé. Pendant son discours, le premier ministre a notamment affirmé que les pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne peuvent « miser sur le commerce pour créer la croissance et les opportunités ». Prévu pour trois jours, le Forum AGOA 2017 est placé sous le thème « Les Etats-Unis et l’Afrique : partenariat pour la prospérité à travers le commerce ».

La cérémonie d’ouverture a été marquée par trois Restitutions. Une première sur la réunion consultative des ministres africains du  commerce, une deuxième sur le forum du secteur privé et une troisième sur le forum de la société civile.

Le Forum rassemblera de hauts responsables du gouvernement des États-Unis et de pays africains, des chefs de file du secteur privé et des représentants de la société civile.
Depuis 16 ans, l’AGOA définit les relations commerciales entre les États-Unis et l’Afrique. Ce programme économique déterminant, conçu pour encourager les liens commerciaux et les investissements avec l’Afrique subsaharienne, accorde aux pays africains admissibles des préférences commerciales sous la forme de l’abrogation de presque tous les droits de douane sur la plupart de leurs exportations vers les États-Unis. En outre, cette loi élimine d’autres barrières commerciales et douanières afin de stimuler la croissance économique, encourager l’intégration économique et faciliter l’intégration de l’Afrique subsaharienne à l’économie mondiale.



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Togo and its assets


From a tender smile of a little child to the wonders of a waterfall at the heart of the tropical forest, Togo blossoms as a country of little wonders, a precious stone sparkling at the shores of the azure waters at the Golf of Benin in West Africa. Togo is one of the smallest countries in Africa. But make no mistake!Togo is the true demonstration that small is beautiful.

The country is home to a variety of people, cultures, and the wonders of nature representing the best that West Africa has to offer to the rest of the world. Its topography expands from the coastal line bordered with coconut trees, which reminds of the South Pacific region, to the green mountains, the rolling hills, the picturesque valleys, the extended plateaus, the rolling rivers through to its peaceful lagoons. In the extreme North of the country, theSavannahs abound with wild animals.

The Maritime Region / The Plateau Region / The Central Region / The Kara Region / The Savannah Region

The Maritime Region extends along the coastal line with beaches of fine sand and coconut trees.

Lomé is famous for its fine sand beaches, under-shade pleasure walking, its major daily market, and many of its tourist attractions namely: the national museum, the fetish market, the German cathedral close to the main market, architectural monuments, etc.

The Plateau Region is reputed for its exceptional natural environment characterised by the exuberance of its forests, and tropical wood species. It is the dream place for lovers of hiking and trail walking and for green tourism. Kpalimé is equally one of the major arts centres in the country.

Right from Kpalimé, visitors would discover all the richness of tropical fauna and floraas well as many natural waterfalls such as the Akrowa falls (Badou), one of the longest fall of water in the country.

The Central region covers a total surface area of 13,500 km2of which more than 20% are reserved forests including the Fazao National Park which extends over 2000 km2. The City of Sokodé (predominantly Muslim) is the second most densely populated city of the country. The Central Region is home to the TEM culture (traditional chieftaincy, fire and knife dance). The region offers diverse cultural heritage as the traditions are kept authentic. The folklore is passed on to generations in a brotherly coexistence of the various ethnic groups.

The Kara Region offers an incredible tourist interest with splendid tour sites including the Koutammakou landscape, one of the UNESCO world heritage. With people very close to their tradition, diversified landscapes (Mont Kabyés, the Défalé cliffs) and the remarkably rich folklore of the people who have conserved their tradition, make the region a culturally rich destination to reckon with.

The extreme North of Togo has a savannah vegetation with an exceptional flat plain with somewhat intermittent green mountains: it is the place by excellence for Palmyra palm, animal drawn cultivation, and cattle breeding.

The region has historic sites that seems to date from time immemorial; as Africa is equally one of the cradles of humanity. Its sites are proposed for the UNESCO world heritage.



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